• Durability: Our products are still effective after 60+ washes.
  • Natural fibers: Natural fibers, such as cotton, allow the movement of ions which leads to faster and more efficient antimicrobial activity.
  • Fiber level bond: Our copper is attached to the core of the fiber. It is not a coating.
  • Broad spectrum protection: Copper is known to kill virtually all bacteria and fungus, and disable viruses, while creating an unstable environment for them to reproduce and mutate.
  1. Copper is nature’s antimicrobial solution. Copper has been used as such over the past thousands of years.
  2. Copper has a broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, meaning it can kill a wide range of pathogens.
  3. Copper ions penetrate the cell walls of microbes like bacteria and viruses. The ions disrupt the cell membrane, causing the microbe to die.
  4. Copper has been proven to reduce HAIs in hospital settings.